Flower map
Rebun Island
Rishiri Island
Mt. Tarumae
Mt. Esan
Primeval garden
Alpine Flora and Native Flower Garden
in Hokkaido
Enjoy alpine plants with morals and manners.
It is a crime to break or pick alpine plants and take their flowers away, which is a violation of the Natural Parks Law and the Forest Law. In nature parks and natural environment conservation areas, monitors, police, and private citizens patrol to prevent theft.
Rebun Island

Rebun Island, Japan’s northernmost remote island, is also known as “Floating Island of Flowers.” In summer, more than 50 species of alpine plants are in full bloom. You can also enjoy alpine flora along the trekking course.
Plants you can see
Rebun atsumoriso, Rebun’usuyukisou, Rebun kinbaisou, Oxytropis megalantha, Scorzonera rebunensis, Hemerocallis dumortieri var. esculenta, Eupatorium glehnii, etc.
> Rebun Island Momoiwa > Alpine Botanical Garden

Rishiri Island

Alpine Flora of Rishiri Island
On Rishiri Island, alpine plants that can only be seen at altitudes of around 2,000 m in Honshu can be seen on the plains, and endemic species such as Papaver fauriei and Trollius altaicus subsp. pulcher can also be seen.
Plants you can see
Papaver fauriei, Hemerocallis dumortieri var. esculenta, Aquilegia flabellata var.pumila, Symplocarpus renifolius, Cirsium umezawanum, Astragalus frigidus subsp. parviflorus, Gentiana jamesii, etc.
> Rishiri Island


Alpine flora of Asahidake in the Daisetsuzan mountain range
Asahidake in Daisetsuzan National Park, 250 species of vegetation have been identified. To fully enjoy the alpine flora along the gentle path, we recommend taking the Asahidake ropeway and walking around the Sugatami no Ike pond.
Plants you can see
Sieversia pentapetala, Sibbaldiopsis miyabei, Dicentra peregrina, Phyllodoce caerulea, Aconogonon weyrichii, Leontopodium discolor, Gentiana triflora var. japonica f. montana, etc.
> Asahidake Ropeway
> Asahidake Walking Course MAP


Alpine flora of Kurodake in the Daisetsuzan mountain range
Kurodake can be reached by ropeway and lift to the 7th station. It takes about one and a half hours to reach the summit, where you can enjoy the colony of alpine plants in summer.
Plants you can see
Trautvetteria caroliniensis var. japonica, Dicentra peregrina, Diphylleia grayi, Campanula lasiocarpa, Dactylorhiza aristata, Potentilla matsumurae var. matsumurae, etc.
> Mt. Kurodake in the Daisetsuzan Mountain Range and Ropeway > Kurodake Walking Course MAP

Sounkyo Onsen Tourist Information

Alpine Flora around Shiretoko Rausu-ko
The steep terrain of Shiretoko, which extends from the sea to the mountains, is a rare place where alpine and marshland plants can be seen at the same time, allowing visitors to enjoy unspoiled nature and scenery.
Plants you can see
Rhodiola ishidae, Therorhodion camtschaticum var. camtschaticum, Iris setosa var. setosa, Phyllodoce caerulea, Cassiope lycopodioides、Vaccinium vitis-idaea、Campanula lasiocarpa, etc.
> Shiretoko > Shiretoko Walking Course MAP


Alpine Flora around Shinsennuma, Niseko
You can hike around Shinsennuma and the surrounding marshland. Wooden paths are well maintained for easy walking, and alpine flowers and other natural features can be observed.
Plants you can see
Potentilla matsumurae var. matsumurae, Geum ternatum, Iris setosa var. setosa, Helonias orientalis, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Equisetum sylvaticum, Sieversia pentapetala, etc.
> Shinsen Marsh


Even beginner climbers can climb the mountain. We recommend the “Northeast Flower Garden Course,” which takes about 10 minutes from the trail entrance at the 7th station parking lot, and features a viewing platform and alpine flora in full bloom.
Plants you can see
Alnus maximowiczii, Macrodiervilla middendorffiana, Salix reinii, Campanula lasiocarpa,Anaphalis margaritacea, Spiraea betulifolia var. betulifolia, etc.
> Mt. Tarumae


Despite its low elevation (618 m), Mt. Megumi is home to about 60 species of alpine plants. The dainty flowers blooming quietly on the rugged rocky terrain are a soothing sight on the way to the top of the mountain.
Plants you can see
Aconogonon weyrichii, Empetrum nigrum, Chamerion angustifolium, Lilium medeoloide, Helonias orientalis, Gentiana makinoi, Rhododendron groenlandicum subsp, etc.
> Esan

Extra: Plants Found in Parks in Sapporo City > Odori Park > Hokkaido University Botanical Garden

Primitive Flower Garden

Flowers in the wild flower garden
Plants you can see
> Koshimizu : Koshimizu Primeval Flower Garden
> Akkeshi : Primeval flower garden Ayamegahara
> Kitami : Wakka Primeval Flower Garden
> Nemuro : Northern Primeval Flower Garden
> Toyotomi:Sarobetsu Primeval Flower Garden
> Hamatombetsu:Beniya Primeval Flower Garden